Denise Eygendaal, is a senior consultant in upperlimb surgery, for 15 years, currently working at the Amphia Hospital, in collaboration with the University of Amsterdam. Dr Eygendaal finished her training as an orthopedic surgeon in 2000, and did her Ph Thesis on 'Medial instability of the elbow joint' in 2000. Currently 90% of her clinical work is elbow joint related; 10% is on traumatic injuries of shoulder and forearm.

Dr Eygendaal is consultant for all national, professional athletes for elbow related pathology and consultant for the lawn tennis federation, for the the dutch gymnast society and the Dutch baseball society. She has more than 85 scientific, peer reviewed, publications on the elbow joint and has contributed to more than 10 important books on surgery of the elbow.

Dr Eygendaal is currently the Phd supervisor of 6 Phd students, she is editor of journal 'Strategies in Trauma and Limb Reconstruction' and reviewer for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, KSST, the British Journal of Sports Medicine, of Arthroscopy, of Acta Ortopaedica Scandinavica of Injury and of the American Journal of Shoulder and Elbow surgery. Denise is residency training program director orthopaedic surgery in collaboration with the university of Amsterdam and course chairman more than 10 A.O complex elbow courses worldwide.

Denise Eygendaal is board member of upper extremity expert group of A.O. international, board member of Eastern European Educational Committee of SECEC, national delegate of European Shoulder and Elbow Society (SECEC), treasurer and board member Dutch AO Society, founder and president of Dutch Orthopedic Ladies Society.

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